Getting Started

Core Concepts

Query Builder


Query builder provides a convenient, fluent interface for creating and running database queries. It can be used to perform most database operations in your application. The builder also uses automatic parameter binding to protect your application against SQL injection attacks.

Retrieving Results

All queries are asynchronous, maximizing the responsiveness of your app. That also means the query result is not immediately available. Thus, in order to access the result data, you need to provide a callback method.

The callback can specify up to 2 parameters, and no parameters are allowed as well. If you do specify parameters, the first one must always be of type Error - each query returns an error as the first argument, or null if no error has occurred. The data type of the second parameter depends on the type of query it corresponds to. See the documentation for each query to learn how to format your callbacks.

Callback is always optional and the query will be executed even if it is not set, unless explicitly told not to (see Delaying Query Execution).

Retrieving All Rows

A query builder is always associated with a database and a table within the database. You can create an instance of BreezeQueryBuilder manually by passing a reference to your database and a table name to the builder's constructor. It is however more convenient to use the table method on the DB facade class or on a database instance. The returned query builder instance is already associated with the database and the given table. Having access to query builder instance, you can now chain constraints onto the query and then finally get the results using the fetch method:

// Query the table "photos" in the default database
var builder:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos");

// Same as above
var builder:BreezeQueryBuilder = BreezeDb.db.table("photos");

// Retrieve all the photos in the table

function onSelectCompleted(error:Error, photos:Collection):void
    if(error == null)
        // process the photos

The Collection object contains the results where each result is a generic Object instance, representing a single table row. You may access each column's value by using the column name as a property of the object:

for each(var photo:Object in photos)
    trace(, photo.title); // Here "id" and "title" are columns in the "photos" table

Retrieving the First Row

If you need to retrieve only a single row from the database table, you may use the first method. This method returns a single Object instead of a Collection:

DB.table("photos").first(function(error:Error, firstPhoto:Object):void
    if(error == null)
        trace(, photo.title);

Chunking Results

If you work with thousands of database records, consider using the chunk method. This method retrieves a small chunk of the results at a time and feeds each chunk into your callback Function for processing. For example, let's work with the entire photos table in chunks of 100 records at a time:

DB.table("photos").orderBy("id").chunk(100, function(error:Error, photos:Collection):*
    if(error == null)
        // "photos" Collection will have up to 100 records

You may stop further chunks from being processed by returning false from the callback:

var numChunks:int = 0;

DB.table("photos").orderBy("id").chunk(100, function(error:Error, photos:Collection):*
    if(error == null)

        if(numChunks > 2)
            return false; // The callback will not be triggered again


The query builder also provides a variety of aggregate methods such as count, max, min, avg, and sum. You may call any of these methods after constructing your query. Your callback should specify a second parameter of type Number:

DB.table("photos").count(function(error:Error, count:Number):void
    if(error == null)
        trace("Number of photos =", count);

Except for the count method, all aggregate methods accept a column name on which the aggregate should be calculated:

// Sum the number of views
DB.table("photos").sum("views", function(error:Error, views:Number):void
    if(error == null)
        trace("Total number of views =", views);

// Get the average number of views
DB.table("photos").avg("views", function(error:Error, views:Number):void
    if(error == null)
        trace("Average number of views =", views);

// Find the highest number of downloads
DB.table("photos").max("downloads", function(error:Error, downloads:Number):void
    if(error == null)
        trace("Highest number of downloads =", downloads);

// Find the lowest number of downloads
DB.table("photos").min("downloads", function(error:Error, downloads:Number):void
    if(error == null)
        trace("Lowest number of downloads =", downloads);

Delaying Query Execution

Sometimes you may wish to build a query but do not want it to actually run, for example when you need to process multiple SQL statements in a row. In this case you can create the query as usual, however you pass in a value of false for the callback method.

var builder:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos").remove(false);

You can use the available constant BreezeDb.DELAY to make the code a little clearer to read.

var builder:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos").remove(BreezeDb.DELAY);

At this point, you can access the queryString property to see the resulting SQL query:

trace(builder.queryString); // DELETE FROM photos

To execute the delayed query, simply call the exec method with a callback as an argument. The callback's signature depends on the type of query that is executed:

builder.exec(function(error:Error, rowsDeleted:int):void
    if(error == null)
        trace("Deleted", rowsDeleted, "row(s)");

After a query is executed, you can use the queryReference property to access BreezeQueryReference object. It can be used to cancel the callback if needed. Note that doing so does not stop the actual SQL query from running, it only stops the callback from being called:

var reference:BreezeQueryReference = builder.queryReference;


Using the select method, you can specify a custom SELECT clause for the query:

    .select("id", "title as photo_title")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void
        if(error == null)
            // each result object will have only "id" and "photo_title" properties

You can also use raw expressions in SELECT queries:

    .select("COUNT(*) as total_records", "creation_date")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void
        if(error == null)
            // "results" contains "total_records" and "creation_date" fields

The distinct method allows you to force the query to return distinct results:

    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void
        if(error == null)
            // "results" contains only photos with distinct "title"


The query builder provides API for all 3 types of joins supported in SQLite.

Inner Join

To perform a basic "inner join", use the join method. The first argument is the name of the table you want to join, and the second argument specifies the column constraints for the join. You can also join multiple tables in a single query:

    .join("contacts", " = contacts.user_id")
    .join("orders", " = orders.user_id")
    .select("users.*", "", "orders.price")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


Left Join

To perform "left outer join", use the leftJoin method. The usage is identical to the join method:

    .leftJoin("authors", "photos.author_id =")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


Cross Join

To perform a "cross join", use the crossJoin method with the name of the table you wish to join. Cross joins generate a cartesian product between the first table and the joined table. Be careful as cross joins have the potential to generate extremely large tables:

    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void



The query builder also provides a quick way to "union" multiple queries together. For example, you may create an initial query and use the union method to union it with a second query. Note that duplicate rows are removed from the final result.

// Select photo with id = 1
var query1:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos")
    .select("id", "title", "views", "downloads")
    .where("id", 1);

// Select two photos with id = 1 and id = 2
var query2:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos")
    .select("id", "title", "views", "downloads")
    .where("id", "<", 3);

// Union the two queries
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void
        if(error == null)
            // "results" contains 2 objects (duplicate rows are not included)

You can only union queries that use the same database.

To union queries while keeping duplicate rows, use the unionAll method:

// Select photo with id = 1
var query1:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos")
    .select("id", "title", "views", "downloads")
    .where("id", 1);

// Select two photos with id = 1 and id = 2
var query2:BreezeQueryBuilder = DB.table("photos")
    .select("id", "title", "views", "downloads")
    .where("id", "<", 3);

// Union the two queries and keep duplicate records
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void
        if(error == null)
            // "results" contains 3 objects (photo with id of 1 is included twice)

Where Clauses

Simple Where Clauses

You may use the where method to add WHERE clauses to the query. The most basic call to where requires three arguments. The first argument is the name of the column. The second argument is an operator, which can be any of the database's supported operators. Finally, the third argument is the value to evaluate against the column.

To select photos with exactly 100 views, you could use the following query:

    .where("views", "=", 100)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


For convenience, if you simply want to verify that a column is equal to a given value, you may pass the value directly as the second argument to the where method:

    .where("views", 100)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


You may use a variety of other operators with the where clause:

    .where("views", ">", 100)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


    .where("views", "!=", 100)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


    .where("title", "LIKE", "Summer%")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


You can also chain multiple where calls. These conditions are joined using the AND operator:

// SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id > 10 AND id != 20;
    .where("id", ">", 10)
    .where("id", "!=", 20)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


Alternatively, you can pass in an Array of conditions:

// SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id > 10 AND id != 20;
    .where([["id", ">", 10], ["id", "!=", 20]])
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


To add WHERE clauses joined using the OR operator, use the orWhere method:

// SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id = 1 OR id = 5;
    .where("id", 1)
    .orWhere("id", 2)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


Additional Where Clauses

whereBetween / whereNotBetween

The whereBetween method selects records where a column's value is between two values (including):

    .whereBetween("views", 10, 30)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereNotBetween method selects records where a column's value lies outside of two values:

    .whereNotBetween("views", 10, 30)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


whereIn / whereNotIn

The whereIn method selects records where a column's value is contained within the given array:

    .whereIn("downloads", [10, 20, 30])
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereNotIn method selects records where a column's value is not contained within the given array:

    .whereNotIn("downloads", [10, 20, 30])
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


whereNull / whereNotNull

The whereNull method selects records where a column's value is NULL:

    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereNotNull method selects records where a column's value is not NULL:

// Verifies that a column's value is NOT NULL
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


whereDate / whereMonth / whereDay / whereYear

The whereDate method will compare a date column and a date value in YYYY-MM-DD format:

    .whereDate("creation_date", "2016-09-23")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


If you pass in three parameters, you can create a comparison between the dates. This is possible for all the other date methods listed below:

    .whereDate("creation_date", ">", "2016-09-23")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereMonth method compares a month of the year to a column value:

    .whereMonth("creation_date", 1)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereDay method compares a day of the month to a column value:

    .whereDay("creation_date", 15)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereYear method compares a column value to a specific year:

    .whereYear("creation_date", 2014)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


You can also use the built-in Date object as the value for comparison in all the where methods related to date. The following selects all the photos created after the month of July (any year):

    .whereMonth("creation_date", ">", new Date(2015, 6, 15))
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void



You can compare column values by using the whereColumn method. The query below will select photos where number of views is the same as the number of downloads:

    .whereColumn("views", "downloads")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The whereColumn method works just like the where method so you can pass in an operator or an Array of conditions:

    .whereColumn("views", ">", "downloads")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


// SELECT * FROM photos WHERE (title = description) AND (views > downloads)
    .whereColumn([["title", "description"], ["views", ">", "downloads"]])
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


Parameter Grouping

Sometimes you may need to create more advanced WHERE clauses with nested parameter groupings. To do that, you need to pass in a Function as the first argument to the where / orWhere method. The function must accept a single parameter of type BreezeInnerQueryBuilder. You can use the provided instance to set the constraints that should be contained within the parenthesis group.

// SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id > 15 OR (title = "Sunset" AND id != 18)
    .where("id > 15")
            .where("title", "Sunset")
            .where("id", "!=", 18)
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


Ordering, Grouping, Limiting and Offset

The orderBy method allows you to sort the result of the query by one or multiple columns. The first argument to the orderBy method should be the column you wish to sort by, while the second argument controls the direction of the sort and may be either ASC or DESC:

    .orderBy("views", "ASC", "downloads", "ASC")
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


The groupBy and having methods may be used to group the query results. The having method's signature is similar to that of the where method:

// SELECT SUM(views) as total_views, strftime('%Y', creation_date) as year_created
// GROUP BY year_created
// HAVING total_views >= 30 AND total_views <= 35
    .select("SUM(views) as total_views, strftime('%Y', creation_date) as year_created")
    .having([["total_views", ">=", 30], ["total_views", "<=", 35]])
    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


To limit the number of results returned from the query, or to skip a given number of results in the query, you may use the limit and offset methods. The following query returns only first 2 rows from the photos table:

    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void


While the following query skips the first 2 rows and selects the 3rd and 4th row:

    .fetch(function(error:Error, results:Collection):void



You can insert a record by providing an object containing column names and values:

    .insert({ id: 1, title: "Morning Dew", views: 3, downloads: 0, likes: 0, creation_date: new Date(2014, 1, 25) }),
        if(error == null)
            // insert was successful

You can also perform a multi-row insert by passing in an Array of objects, each representing a single row:

        { id: 1, title: "Morning Dew", views: 3, downloads: 0, likes: 0, creation_date: new Date(2014, 1, 25) },
        { id: 2, title: "Sunset", views: 12, downloads: 4, likes: 5, creation_date: new Date(2014, 2, 26) },


If the table has an auto-incrementing id, use the insertGetId method to insert a record and then retrieve the new ID in the callback:

    .insertGetId({ title: "Night Sky", views: 0, downloads: 0, likes: 0, creation_date: new Date() }),
    function(error:Error, newId:int):void



Updates can be performed using the update method and by passing in an Object containing the column names and values to be updated. You may constrain the update query using where clauses. The callback receives a number of rows affected by the query.

    .where("id", 3)
    .update({ title: "Blue Sky" }), function(error:Error, rowsAffected:int):void


When you need to increment or decrement a column value by a specific amount, you do not need to write the UPDATE query manually. The query builder provides two convenience methods increment and decrement that simplify these operations.

Both of these methods accept at least one argument: the column to modify. A second argument may optionally be passed to control the amount by which the column should be incremented or decremented (it defaults to 1). If you want to use the default amount, you can pass in callback as the second argument. Note the information about the number of rows affected is not available for these two queries.

// Increment the views by 1 (default value if not explicitly set)
    .where("id", 10)


// Increment the views by 5
    .where("id", 10)
    .increment("views", 5,


// Decrement the downloads by 1 (default value if not explicitly set)
    .where("id", 10)


// Decrement the downloads by 5
    .where("id", 10)
    .decrement("downloads", 5,


Additionally, you can also specify columns to update during the operation.

// Increment the views by 1 AND update title to "Sunset"
    .where("id", 10)
    .increment("views", { title: "Sunset" },


// Increment the views by 5 AND update title to "Sunset"
    .where("id", 10)
    .increment("views", 5, { title: "Sunset" },



Deletes can be performed using the remove method.

Remember that this method is remove and not delete. The word delete is a reserved word in ActionScript and cannot be used as a method name.

You may constrain DELETE statements by adding WHERE clauses before calling the remove method. The callback receives a number of deleted rows:

    .where("id", 6)
    .remove(function(error:Error, rowsDeleted:int):void
